Category Archives: Fitness & wellness

Fitness & wellness

Focus on food to get natural beauty

Beautiful skin does not necessarily have to be achieved by going to a beauty parlour. Incorporating skin-friendly foods into your diet can fulfill your desire for natural beauty

natural beauty

Healthy skin means beautiful skin. In order for the skin to look beautiful from the outside, it needs to be nourished from the inside. If you regularly make nutritious foods a part of your diet, your skin will not only look healthy but also glow. Dieticians say that not only do you need to eat well to get beautiful skin from the inside, but you also need to be patient. Be prepared that it will take six to eight weeks for the effects of your diet to show on your skin. This is because our skin has many layers and it takes a long time for the effects of our food to reach the top layer. Include these items in your diet to enhance the beauty of the skin and you get natural beauty.

These 5  things will give you natural beauty 

1.Drink lemon water daily

Drinking lemon water once a day, immediately after waking up in the morning or anytime during the day, will improve your skin tone. Drinking lemon water every morning will boost your metabolism, cleanse your liver and give your skin a dose of vitamin C. Apart from this, you can also make it a part of your diet by adding lemon juice to salads, vegetables and pulses etc.

natural beauty



2.Beetroot will cleanse the blood

The health of your skin largely depends on how clean your blood is and how good the blood circulation is in the body. The better the quality of blood in your body  Your skin will be as beautiful and flawless. It is through the blood that the skin gets maximum nutrition. Among all these functions, beetroot (beet) can help the blood the most. It purifies the blood. You can make it part of your diet in the form of salads, vegetables  soups.

beet root



3.Water will keep the skin moist

Every part of the body has water. Everything from teeth to hair contains water. You may have read or heard this before but drinking eight to ten glasses of water every day is not only good for your skin but also for the health of your hair. Water will keep the cells of the body healthy and because of this they will be able to easily absorb nutrients and remove waste materials from the body. How much water you should drink depends on how much cooked food you eat throughout the day. Caffeine consumption, exercise, spicy food, etc. Make you drink more water.

glass of water



4.Coriander is useful in treating skin blemishes

Coriander or coriander leaves are commonly used to garnish vegetables, pulses and various other dishes. Coriander leaves are rich in vitamin-A, vitamin-C and chlorophyll. All these nutrients are the most special for your skin. Coriander is useful in the diagnosis of skin blemishes or other skin diseases. It also contains iron, folate, magnesium and manganese, which protect the skin from the effects of free radicals.

coriander isolated



5.Almonds will beautify the skin

Almonds have been used for centuries to enhance the beauty of the skin. Almond oil not only enhances the superficial beauty of the skin but regular consumption of almonds will make your skin beautiful and healthy. Almonds contain magnesium which improves blood circulation and is also useful for the nervous system.

benefit of almonds

8 Lesser Known Benefits of Eating Almonds Daily

Almonds help to stay active and energetic

You must have heard your elders saying that eat almonds every day, your memory will be sharp. Eating almonds also keeps the skin healthy. Almond is a dry fruit which contains nutrients like fiber, protein, iron, magnesium which are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Eating almonds daily keeps the mind and brain healthy.


We should include almonds in breakfast.

Now more than 200 scientific studies also urge us to embrace the age-old matter. Research shows that California almonds are packed with nutrients that provide us with numerous health benefits and contribute to overall well-being. Ritika Samdar, Regional Head of Dietetics in New Delhi shares some of the lesser-known health benefits of including almonds in your daily diet.

  • Almonds are a source of 15 essential nutrients, including magnesium, protein, riboflavin, zinc, fiber, healthy fats and more. These nutrients contribute to overall well-being.
  • Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), a powerful anti-aging antioxidant that helps promote healthy, glowing skin.
  • Almonds are a rich source of protein, a nutrient that supports the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. ICMR guidelines support regular consumption of a balanced diet of both plant protein and healthy snacks Gives


A handful of almonds can help promote feelings of satiety, making them an effective weight loss product due to their properties.

  • Almonds, when included in a balanced diet, lower cholesterol levels. It can help reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in protecting heart health and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Almonds can help reduce blood sugar spikes from carbohydrate-rich foods, improve fasting insulin levels and regulate blood sugar.


By FSSAI According to a published report, regularly including almonds in a balanced diet can significantly boost immunity, as the nutrients in them promote optimal health and well-being.


Is protein powder essentials for gym person ?

Protein powder is not necessary for gym person

Protein powder is not needed because most people get their protein from healthy diets like meat, fish, beans and nuts. powder is not needed if they follow this type of diet.

protein powder in man hand

Benefits of protein powder

Protein powders are nutritional supplements that may help build muscle, repair tissue, and make enzymes and hormones. Using protein powder may also aid weight loss and help people tone their muscles.As well as contributing to muscle growth, protein can help repair damaged muscles and tissues. As a result, athletes may use powder to speed up recovery from muscle soreness after exercise.


In some cases doctors advise against taking protein  powder.  Why?

Normally, uric acid dissolves in the blood, is filtered by the kidneys, and is excreted in the urine. However, if you consume a diet high in purines or your body is inefficient at excreting uric acid, the levels of uric acid can build up in the blood. This condition, called hyperuricemia, can lead to the formation of uric acid crystals, which accumulate in the joints and cause the painful condition known as gout. Elevated uric acid levels are also linked to kidney stones, as the crystals can form in the kidneys, causing blockages.


How much protein do you need?

How much protein you need is another crucial consideration when deciding whether you might benefit from supplementing your diet. The amount thought to be adequate for most healthy people, called the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), is set at 0.8 grams per kilogram. For someone who weighs 150 pounds, this translates to roughly 55 grams of protein; a 200-pound person requires about 70 grams of protein. Certain athletes undergoing intense training may enhance their progress by consuming more than double the RDA, but this doesn’t apply to most of us.


 There are mainly two types of protein powders


Animal-Based Protein

One of the most common types of protein powder is whey protein, which is water-soluble and makes up 20% of the proteins found in cow’s milk. Whey protein is rich in the essential amino acid lleucine and is easily digestible.

Other animal-based protein powders come from eggs, collagen and casein. Casein makes up the other 80% of cow’s milk protein.


Plant-Based Protein

The ever-increasing trend of plant-based food products has created a demand for plant-based protein powders. You can find many plant-based powder supplements today, including pea, hemp, pumpkin seed, soy, algae and rice protein powders. These products are great for those with dairy allergies.


Which flavoured protein powder can we take ?

You can find protein powders made with a variety of ingredients used to sweeten their flavor. Some are sweetened with sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners.It’s best to choose a protein powder with little or no added sugar and no added artificial sweeteners.

Consider ones that use natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit. If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), steer clear of ones sweetened with sugar alcohols, as they can wreak havoc on your gut.




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